Kobro Kommunikation ist Ihr Berater und Ansprechpartner bei mehrsprachigen Veranstaltungen und engagiert professionelle Dolmetscher für Ihren internationalen Anlass.
Kobro Kommunikation supports project managers, event managers, conference organizers, executive assistants – in short: decision-makers – by finding the ideal multilingual solution for your next international event. We are also your main point of contact for any and all questions regarding on-site translation activities. Benefit from our extensive network of interpreters and sound knowledge of conference interpreting technology to ensure that your multilingual event is a resounding success. Und wir sind Ihr zentraler Ansprechpartner für alle Fragen rund um die Übersetzungstätigkeit vor Ort. Nutzen Sie unser breites Dolmetscher-Netzwerk und tiefes Wissen in Konferenztechnik. Damit Ihre mehrsprachige Veranstaltung ein voller Erfolg wird.
Erfolgreich kommunizieren –
Ihr mehrsprachiges Event in eingespielten Händen

Your inquiry
Get in touch with Kobro Kommunikation early on to determine how many and what type of interpreters and translators you will require for your multilingual event. When it comes to planning such an event, don’t leave anything to chance; instead, get professional support from Kobro Kommunikation during the preparation stage.

Interpreting team
Upon request, Kobro Kommunikation sets up teams of interpreters to cover multiple languages. An extensive network of qualified, professional and experienced simultaneous interpreters ensures flawless communication at any event.

Technical equipment
Should you require conference interpreting technology and support during the event, Kobro Kommunikation will take care of booking the equipment so you can check it off your to-do list. I will offer you the full service package, including personal client support.
Contact us now to request a quote for your simultaneous interpreters.
RequestWhen processing your inquiry, we begin by jointly defining the framework conditions of your multilingual event. Using a checklist developed by Kobro Kommunikation, we will sit down with you to discuss your interpreting needs, identify the ideal interpreting mode (simultaneous interpreting using the relevant equipment, or consecutive interpreting), the required working languages and the duration of the event. This session serves to answer any and all questions you might have at this stage. Depending on the event, Kobro Kommunikation will then recruit other professional interpreters from within its own network and set up a team of conference interpreters. In this process, Kobro Kommunikation sees itself as the link between the organizer and the interpreting team.
Kobro Kommunikation supports you by taking care of putting together a team of interpreters for multilateral conferences, conventions and round-table discussions. In order to ensure that your multilingual event is a success, the interpreters are recruited from within our own network of colleagues, which comprises experienced and highly qualified simultaneous interpreters and specialized translators working into and from other languages.
As a rule, simultaneous interpreters work in teams of two or three. When it comes to selecting suitable colleagues, their qualifications, subject-specific knowledge, availability and even their place of residence all play an important role. Kobro Kommunikation makes a conscious effort to avoid unnecessary costs on the part of the client.
Depending on the type of interpreting that was agreed upon, Kobro Kommunikation helps you select the right technical equipment for the interpreting assignment. Whether you require sound-proof booths for simultaneous interpreting or a mobile headset and headphones for factory visits or training sessions – Kobro Kommunikation knows exactly which technology is the most suitable for your multilingual event and will book the equipment and on-site technician for you.
Kobro Kommunikation –
Ihr Dienstleister und Veranstaltungspartner
sowie Kollege der Simultandolmetscher.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Anfrage und eine langfristige Zusammenarbeit mit Ihnen.
Denn zufriedene Kunden sind die besten Kunden.
Allgemeine Informationen des Berufsverbandes zu den Hauptmodi des Dolmetschens (PDF).
Hinweise zum Einsatz von Konferenzdolmetschern (PDF)
Tipps für Redner (PDF)
Checkliste für Veranstalter mehrsprachiger Konferenzen (PDF)